MultiDisciplinary Team (MDT - San Jose)

Indigenous Peoples

Spanish Version

Resolution on ILO action concerning indigenous and tribal peoples1

The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Having adopted the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989,

Determined to improve the situation and status of these peoples in the light of the developments which have taken place since the adoption of the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention (No. 107) in 1957,

Convinced of the vital contribution that indigenous and tribal peoples from the regions of the world make towards national societies, and reaffirming their sociocultural identity,

Motivated by its firm desire to support the implementation and enhancement of the provisions of the revised Convention;

National action

    1. Calls upon member States to consider ratifying the revised Convention at the earliest possible time; to fulfill the obligations laid down in the Convention; and to implement its provisions in the most effective manner.
    2. Calls upon governments to co-operate in this respect with national and regional organisations and institutions of the peoples concerned.

    3. Calls upon governments and employers’ and workers organisations to engage in a dialogue with the organisations and institutions of the peoples concerned about the most appropriate ways of securing the implementation of the Convention, and to establish appropriate consultative machinery enabling indigenous and tribal peoples to express their views on all aspects of the Convention.
    4. Calls upon governments and employers’ and workers’ organisations to promote educational programmes, in collaboration with the organisations and institutions of the peoples concerned, in order to disseminate knowledge of the Convention in all sectors of national society including programmes consisting of, for example:
    1. material on the content and objectives of the Convention;
    2. information at regular intervals on the measures taken to implement the Convention;
    3. seminars designed to promote a better understanding, the ratification, and the effective implementation of the standards laid down in the Convention.

1Adopted on 26 June 1989.

International action

    1. Urges the international organisations cited in the preamble of the Convention and others, within existing budgetary resources, to collaborate in developing activities to achieve the objectives of the Convention within their respective fields of competence, and urges the ILO to facilitate the co-ordination of such efforts.
    2. ILO action

    3. Urges the Governing Body of the International Labour Office to instruct the Director-General to take the following action, within existing budgetary resources, and to propose the allocation of further resources in future budgets for these purposes:

(a) promoting the ratification of the Convention and supervising its application

(b) assisting governments in developing effective measures for implementing the Convention with the full participation of the indigenous and tribal peoples;

(c) providing the organisations of the peoples concerned with information and training on the scope and content of this Convention and of other ILO Conventions that may be of direct concern to them, and possibilities for exchanging their experiences and knowledge;

(d) strengthening the dialogue between governments and employers’ and workers’ organisations about the objectives and content of the Convention, with the active participation of organisations and institutions of the people concerned;

(e) conducting a general survey, at an appropriate time, under article 19 of the ILO Constitution on the measures taken in member States for the implementation of the revised Convention;

(f) producing, analysing and publishing relevant, comparable and up-to-date qualitative and quantitative information on the social and economic conditions of the peoples concerned;

(g) developing technical co-operation programmes and projects that will directly benefit the peoples concerned, addressing the severe poverty and unemployment affecting them. These activities should include income and employment generation schemes, rural development, including vocational training, promotion of handicrafts and rural industries, public works programmes and appropriate technology. These programmes should be financed by the regular budget, subject to existing budgetary constraints, and by multi-bilateral and other sources.

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This page was created by JF & approved by AB. Last Update: 08/03/99
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