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Coordination support for peace and resilience

Roughly 2 billion people live in countries experiencing situations of fragility and armed violence, and another 200 million people are affected by the slow or sudden onset of disasters. Conflict and catastrophic events are triggered by a variety of factors and can impact differently on societies, but one way or another they all undermine peoples’ livelihoods and create decent work deficits. Left unattended, these problems can lead to increased poverty, inequality and social unrest.

Through its distinctive rights-based development approach, the ILO contributes to building the resilience of nations and people caught in fragile, conflict and disaster situations. In direct collaboration with its member States, tripartite constituents, UN partners, international and national agencies, the ILO supports an employment-centred recovery from crises while promoting decent work and social justice as key drivers of resilience and social cohesion.

Post-disaster assessments

Conflict affected states

Laying the economic foundations for peace-building and state-building

Laying the economic foundations for peace-building and state-building


Key resources

Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises (EESE) in fragile contexts

Guidance note

Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises (EESE) in fragile contexts

Gender equality and women’s empowerment in the world of work in fragile, conflict and disaster settings


Gender equality and women’s empowerment in the world of work in fragile, conflict and disaster settings

Peace and conflict analysis: A guidance note for ILO’s programming in conflict and fragile contexts

Guidance note

Peace and conflict analysis: A guidance note for ILO’s programming in conflict and fragile contexts

Sustaining peace through decent work and employment

Joint ILO/PBSO brochure

Sustaining peace through decent work and employment

Employment and decent work in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus


Employment and decent work in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

Employment, Livelihoods and Social Protection: Guide for recovery implementation


Employment, Livelihoods and Social Protection: Guide for recovery implementation

COVID-19 response and recovery in countries affected by disasters and climate vulnerability: Challenges and opportunities

Technical note

COVID-19 response and recovery in countries affected by disasters and climate vulnerability: Challenges and opportunities

Jobs for Peace and Resilience: A response to COVID-19 in fragile contexts

Guidance note

Jobs for Peace and Resilience: A response to COVID-19 in fragile contexts

Managing Conflicts and Disasters: Exploring Collaboration between Employers’ and Workers’ Organizations


Managing Conflicts and Disasters: Exploring Collaboration between Employers’ and Workers’ Organizations

How to design, monitor and evaluate peacebuilding results in Jobs for Peace and Resilience programmes


How to design, monitor and evaluate peacebuilding results in Jobs for Peace and Resilience programmes

Employment and Decent Work in fragile situations: Pathways for peace and resilience


Employment and Decent Work in fragile situations: Pathways for peace and resilience

Multi-hazard Business Continuity Management: Guide for small and medium enterprises


Multi-hazard Business Continuity Management: Guide for small and medium enterprises

Global initiatives and partnerships

ILO and Interpeace sign Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen conflict-sensitive and peace-responsive programming

ILO and Interpeace sign Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen conflict-sensitive and peace-responsive programming

ILO and the Grand Bargain

ILO and the Grand Bargain

Switzerland and ILO sign new agreement on peace and development through employment

Switzerland and ILO sign new agreement on peace and development through employment

ILO, PBSO, UNDP and the World Bank present joint statement to strengthen peacebuilding impact of employment programmes

ILO, PBSO, UNDP and the World Bank present joint statement to strengthen peacebuilding impact of employment programmes

Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

ILO and SPARK promote Entrepreneurship in Fragile and Conflict-affected States

ILO and SPARK promote Entrepreneurship in Fragile and Conflict-affected States

ILO and the Graduate Institute's Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding launch a research collaboration on Employment and Decent...

ILO and the Graduate Institute's Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding launch a research collaboration on Employment and Decent...

United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment and Reintegration

United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment and Reintegration

ILO in fragile situations


ILO in fragile situations