News and events


  1. Event

    Brazil’s Contribution to the ILO’s South-South Cooperation Strategy - VII Annual Review Meeting, Geneva, 18 June 2013

    ILO South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) with Brazil has considerably up-scaled and is now effective in the four strategic objectives under the 2008 Declaration, as well as under the areas of critical importance. Brazil has been recognized as a prominent actor and model for ILO SSTC in the Programme and Budget for 2012-2013 and in the recently approved Programme and Budget for 2014-2015. Its role as a tripartite facilitator of SSTC with MERCOSUR, Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa (PALOP), and in the framework of the CPLP is also recognized in the ILO's Strategy for SSTC, adopted by the Governing Body in 22 March 2012.

  2. 102nd International Labour Conference

    Van Rompuy: Growth and jobs are the ultimate goal of all reforms

    14 June 2013

    Ahead of the European Council meeting, European Council President, Herman Van Rompuy, addresses the International Labour Conference and says that the ILO has a key role to play in helping to address the challenges that Europe faces.

  3. Partnership for skills training

    ILO-Japan sign ¥30,831,000 skills’ training initiative

    14 June 2013

    A collaboration between the Government of Japan and the International Labour Organization will strengthen a range of courses offered by the International Training Centre in Turin, Italy.

  4. Partnership

    The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ILO sign 2.5 million USD agreement to support improved labour conditions in Bangladesh

    03 June 2013

  5. PARDEV Newsletter No. 38

    102nd Session of the International Labour Conference: Building a future with decent work.

    30 May 2013

    The agenda comprises the standing item on the application of Conventions and Recommendations, and thematic items on employment and social protection in the new demographic context; sustainable development, decent work and green jobs; and social dialogue (recurrent discussion under the follow-up to the 2008 ILO Declaration on Social Justice for Fair Globalization).

  6. Press release

    ILO Deputy-Director General calls on social partners to get involved in the new development agenda

    21 May 2013

  7. PARDEV Newsletter No. 37

    South-South Exchanges on Social and Solidarity Economy

    07 May 2013

    2013 Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy: An opportunity to enhance youth employment (Agadir, Morocco, April 2013); UN Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD) – ILO Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy promotes participation by researchers from the Global SouthGeneva, 6-8 May 2013)

  8. UNRISD Conference

    The true potential of the social and solidarity economy

    06 May 2013

    Cooperatives and social enterprises can help expand decent work and job opportunities, says ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder.

  9. Public-private partnership

    Eliminating seasonal child labour in Turkey

    02 May 2013

    The ILO teams up with European private industry to help prevent children from working in seasonal hazelnut harvesting in Turkey.

  10. Publication

    South-South Cooperation and Decent Work: Good Practices

    28 April 2013

    The Good Practices Guide on South-South and Triangular Cooperation is part of the ILO's commitment to the promotion of South-South and triangular cooperation, and is targeted at governments, workers, employers, and civil society to help them learn from initiatives based on southern solutions that have proven effective in promoting decent work. SSTC provides an important mechanism to leverage resources and expertise – in particular by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and experience of the world of work in the Global South. It is necessary to systematize the collection and dissemination of such projects. Knowledge sharing is central to South-South and triangular cooperation, and greater visibility needs to be given to scalable and replicable initiatives through a good practices guide accessible on the web.