
The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team for South Asia and Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi) operates a wide range of programmes and projects in the sub-region focusing on relief and development challenges. Details of each programme and project can be found below.


  1. Program on Promoting Decent Work and Sustainable Livelihoods for Women Workers in the Informal Economy in India - Design Phase

    1 January 2004 - 31 December 2006

    To contribute to improvement of the policy framework and direct action to promote decent work and income opportunities and enhanced representation and voice of women workers in the informal economy.

  2. Subregional Programme on Promoting the Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour in South Asia

    1 January 2004 - 31 December 2006

    To work with relevant partners in selected districts in 2 States in India on sustainable strategies for the prevention and elimination of bonded labour.

  3. Andhra Pradesh State-Based Project for the Elimination of Child Labour - Phase II

    1 January 2004 - 31 March 2009

    With support from the Government of Andhra Pradesh, institutionalize the pilot approach tested in Phase-I into governance and develop strategies for complete elimination of child labour through State action, involving workers' and employers' organizations and strengthening civil society mechanism.


  1. INDO-USDOL Child Labour Project for Preventing and Eliminating Child Labour in Identified Hazardous Sector

    1 January 2003 - 31 March 2009

    The INDUS Child Labour Project is a Technical Cooperation Project of the Government of India (GOI), Ministry of Labour and Employment and Directorate of Education, and the United States Department of Labour (USDOL), within the framework of a Joint Statement of Enhanced Indo-US Co-operation on Elimination of Child Labour.


  1. Action Programme on Improvement of Work Opportunities for Women Beedi Workers

    1 January 2001 - 31 December 2003

    To assist the social partners in their efforts to improve the conditions of work of the home-based women beedi workers, and to promote alternatives for these women.

  2. Programme for Entrepreneurship Development and Productivity Improvement

    1 January 2001 - 31 December 2005

    The ILO's Programme for Enterprise Development and Productivity Improvement (ILO-PEDPI), started as a cluster initiative, seeks to employ various multi-pronged strategies, including attempting to improve the working conditions of artisans and workers in manufacturing units.

  3. Socio-Economic Empowerment of Tribal People through the Cluster Level Approach in Orissa

    1 January 2001 - 31 December 2005

    Creation of a pilot model to demonstrate participatory implementation modalities for tribal empowerment and community driven approaches to gender and culture sensitive employment and entrepreneurial initiatives.

  4. Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the World of Work: A Tripartite Response

    1 January 2001 - 31 December 2010

    The project aims at establishing a sustainable national action on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support in the world of work.


  1. South Asia and Viet Nam Project on Tripartism and Social Dialogue in Action (SAVPOT)

    3 January 1999 - 31 December 2004

    This was a regional tripartite project covered Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.