Voices from the world of work

VIDEO: “Everyone in my village has moved to the city for a job”

Kura is a migrant worker hailing from a small village of Uttar Pradesh, India. He left his home and moved to New Delhi for work and livelihood. He says life hasn’t been easy and that he wishes for a secure future for his children.

Date issued: 24 March 2018 | Size/duration: 00:01:42

Twenty-seven year old Kura, son of a marginal farmer, belongs to a small village in the Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. Due to lack of opportunities in his village, just like his father Kuraleft home in search of work. As he didn’t have any formal education he could not secure a decent job. He accepted menial and contractual work to make ends meet. His biggest fear is that his children may end leading an uncertain life if they keep moving with him and don’t get the opportunity to pursue education. Kura’s story rings true for scores of unskilled migrant workers in India. While many migrate to towns hoping for decent work often they end up in jobs that are low-paying, unsafe and precarious.