Round Table on Encouraging Young People's Interest in Working in the Far North

The round table was held in Murmansk, Russia, on 13 March as part of the Third Arctic Trade Union School for young trade unionists organised with support from the ILO's "Partnerships for Youth Employment in the CIS" project implemented in cooperation with the Russian oil company LUKOIL.

News | 13 March 2017
Taking part in the event were the Murmansk Regional Duma first deputy speaker, the head of Murmansk city administration (mayor of Murmansk), representatives of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR), Murmansk regional employment authorities, the Murmansk Regional Association of Trade Unions, major regional employers and NGOs, a representative of the ILO Moscow Office and students of the Arctic School from Russia and Norway.
The main purpose of the round table was to facilitate an exchange of ideas and develop proposals for regulating labour mobility and providing incentives for young people to work in the Far North by creating job opportunities and ensuring labour rights protection to young employees.

"The theme of this forum is extremely relevant for the Murmansk region," stressed Vladimir Mischenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Murmansk Regional Duma. "It is obvious that several important conditions need to be met for young people to develop an interest in taking up employment in the Far North. Perhaps the most important of them is to offer young employees interesting and well-paid jobs with good career advancement prospects. But in addition to this, a social infrastructure needs to be developed, such as kindergartens, schools, quality healthcare and comfortable housing."

Julia Surina, Junior Youth Employment Officer at the ILO Moscow Youth Employment Project, presented some of the findings and policy recommendations from the ILO's analytical study focused on labour mobility in Russia and comparing it to three OECD countries – Sweden, Germany and Canada.