Social Protection Response to impact of COVID -19 crisis in the Subregion

WEBINAR 2 : "Extending Social Security Coverage to Workers in Informal Economy”

Organized by the ILO DWT/CO Moscow
04 June 2020, Thursday
12:30 Moscow time

With the outbreak of the global COVID -19 pandemic countries worldwide are faced with a major public health challenge with significant social, labour market and economic impacts. Governments are facing a double challenge: containing the health pandemic while responding to its economic and social effects.

Many women and men in the informal economy need to earn an income to feed themselves and their families, as most of them cannot rely on income replacement or savings. Not working and staying home means losing their jobs and their livelihoods. For most workers in the informal economy, the lack of social protection is a challenge not only in their daily struggles to make ends meet but in their aspirations to obtain decent work, rights and dignity. For the societies in which they live, the lack of social protection coverage undermines inclusive growth, weakens social justice and undermines the realization of human rights.

The ILO Resource Package Extending Social Security to Workers in Informal Economy: Lessons from international experience serves as a practical tool for policy makers, workers’ and employers’ organizations and other stakeholders to develop viable policy options to address the multi-fold challenges of extending social protection to workers in the informal economy and facilitating transitions to formality. It offers examples of approaches and practices taken globally to address the many challenges of extending social protection to workers in informal economy, addressing a broad range of relevant aspects, including analysis of needs, adapting social security legislation, compliance and enforcement mechanisms, administrative procedures, benefit design, contribution schedules, service delivery and monitoring mechanisms. The guidebook has been translated into Russian language to provide policymakers, workers’ and employer’s organizations in the ECIS sub-region and other stakeholders a reference point in their attempts to remove the barriers that prevent workers in some forms of employment from being protected.

The purpose of Webinar 2 is to present the Russian translation of the Handbook “Extending social security to workers in the informal economy: Lessons from international experience” and discuss online workspace on extension of social protection coverage to workers in informal economy and non-standard forms of employment.

  • Ms. Olga KOULAEVA, Director, ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  • Ms. Christina BEHRENDT, Head of the Social Policy Unit, Social Protection Department, ILO Geneva
  • Ms. Quynh Anh NGUYEN, Social Protection Technical Officer, Social Protection Department, ILO Geneva
  • Mr. Finn KOH, Project Manager, ILO Cambodia
  • Mr. Nikita LYUTOV, Professor, Head of Department of Labour and Social Security Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University, MSAL
Moderator: Ms. Jasmina PAPA, Social Protection Specialist, ILO DWT/CO-Moscow.

Webinar will be conducted in Russian and English languages.