Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Addressing impunity: A review of the three monitoring mechanisms

The Review Report on the three monitoring mechanisms at the three different government offices – Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Justice (DOJ) and Commission on Human Rights (CHR) – goes beyond examination of the mandates, functioning, and composition. The Review puts into one document an institutional memory not only on the “how” of the mechanisms but “why” and “when” it came about including the International Labour Organization supervisory bodies longstanding recommendations that has not been progressively responded to by the Philippine Government.

The Review further recommended ways and next steps to address the remaining gaps and issues in terms of policy and practice. A concrete way forward which this Review can facilitate would be a broad dialogue among the tripartite and multisectoral partners tackling the recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of the monitoring and investigative mechanisms in addressing impunity in the country.