Decent Work

Decent Work Country Diagnostics: Philippines 2017

The Diagnostics offers a comprehensive narrative of the growth, productive employment, decent work situation and trends in the Philippines. The Diagnostics provides indicative priorities and to identify decent work challenges as input to the development of the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) and other development plans.

The Philippines experienced relatively strong economic growth over the last decade. However, this was not inclusive as it did not translate to massive creation of decent work and had limited effect on reduction of poverty, inequality and vulnerability.

A new national decent work agenda aligned with the development framework of the Constitution and the administration’s “0 + 10” socio-economic agenda, the medium-term Philippine Development Plan (PDP 2017-2022) and the long-term AmBisyon Natin 2040 as well as with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, is important to help achieve the goal of inclusive growth. Developing and pursuing this agenda represents a huge challenge, as it must consider multiple and complex factors.

On labour and employment, the Philippines has incorporated in its national laws the fundamental principles and rights at work, as well as a wide range of general labour standards, OSH standards, social security and protection, including a well-developed regulatory system for overseas migrant workers. Be that as it may, significant policy, implementation and enforcement gaps in specific areas remain. Strategic widening, deepening and modernization of labour institutions should be continuously pursued, especially with a view of covering the informal sector and new and future work arrangements. The new agenda, to be evolved through social dialogue, tripartism and multi-stakeholder consensus, should help focus development efforts on achieving growth with employment, employment with rights, and social protection for all. Practical initial steps can be taken by the social partners and other stakeholders.

The agenda may be organized around four central points of action, namely supply side measures; demand side measures; social protection measures; and institutional and governance measures.