Labour inspection

ILO Supports DOLE Review of Labour Inspection Tools

In response to the tripartite partners’ recognized need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of labour inspection, the ILO in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment’s Bureau of Working Conditions (DOLE-BWC), conducted the first in a series of consultation-workshops to review tools used in the conduct of labour inspection and managing labour standards enforcement.

DOLE-BWC lawyers discussed the officials from other DOLE Bureaus on how to improve the process flow for case management in the LLCS MIS.
The workshop was the first opportunity to present to a broader audience the proposed features of the new Labour Law Compliance System Management Information System (LLCS MIS). Technical scoping for the MIS has taken on a case management approach rather than simply as a data capture tool. Different scenarios at every stage of labour standards enforcement from inspection, remediation, drafting of compliance orders and appeal were taken into consideration in the design of the System. Under the enhancements of the MIS, the ILO USDOL Project on Building the Capacity of the Philippines’ Labour Inspectorate, the MIS will allow for tagging of profile and inspection history of contractors and subcontractors with that of their principal, monitoring and reporting of cases at each stage of the process, monitoring levels of accountability and provide more information necessary for case building.

The objectives of the workshop were:
DOLE Bureaus discussed among themselves information critical to guiding inspectors developed inspection strategies and how this can be basis for either database integration or regular information sharing.
(a) to gather inputs on how to streamline inspection tools so they can more effectively guide labour inspectors in targeting and probing serious violations of core labour standards, the DOLE national and regional offices in targeting and planning compliance campaigns; and (b) the Department’s legal officers in effective case build up for cases of non-compliance. Labour inspection tools were reviewed: the general inspection checklist on general labour standards and occupational safety and health standards; and LLCS-MIS. Outputs of the workshop was subjected to further validation to include workers and employers’ organisations, before being finalized.