Brasilia Global Child Labour Conference - Base document

Base document of the III Global Child Labour Conference that will take place in Brasilia, Brazil, 8-10 October 2013

The Brasilia Global Child Labour Conference is an opportunity for reflection and joint dialogue between government, workers, employers, civil society and international organizations on the progress made in the process towards the elimination of child labour, especially its worst forms, as well as a space for presenting proposals of mechanisms to accelerate the elimination of this phenomenon.

The Brasilia Conference aims to promote an ample and democratic debate of the efforts undertaken by the international community since 2010 on behalf of the elimination of child labour, especially its worst forms. It represents an opportunity for assessing the progress achieved since the adoption of ILO Conventions No. 138 and No. 182, through the exchange of experiences and also by acknowledging the most efficient measures that will allow us to meet the 2016 eradication targets.

The Brasilia Conference is expected to encourage the exchange of lessons learned so that the efforts made by several countries may allow the construction of more consistent policies and integrated strategies for addressing child labour. In that sense, the experiences accumulated by governments, workers, employers and civil society worldwide represent a rich mosaic of knowledge that can inspire the implementation of new projects and policies focused on the elimination of its worst forms.