TBP Manual for Action Planning (MAP)

The TBP Manual for Action Planning (TBP MAP) is a collection of documents designed to orient policy makers and programme designers on Time-Bound Programmes.

The TBP MAP consists of 5 Guide Books and numerous informative Papers detailing matters covered in the Guide Books.

These Guide Books -- along with their underlying papers -- are available in digital form on this page or on the CD which accompanies the printed versions of the TBP MAP Kit.

Guide Book I: How to use the Time-Bound Programme MAP

Describes the TBP MAP, its contents, purpose, and intended methods for use.

Guide Book II: Time-Bound Programmes for Eliminating the Worst forms of Child Labour – an introduction

Introduces the user to the TBP concept. This Guide Book is divided into two Parts, the first providing background information on the WFCL, including their causes and consequences. The second gives the general characteristics of a TBP. It moves on to provide an overview of the policy and programme interventions that comprise a TBP. It also describes the various aspects of the TBP development process from research to programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Guidebook III: Creating the knowledge base for Time-Bound Programmes

Reviews the knowledge base needs for the design, implementation and monitoring of TBP interventions. This includes background information gathering, statistical surveying, review of existing economic, social and legal policies affecting child labour, stakeholder analyses and inventories of ongoing and planned interventions, taken to ensure that TBPs are well-secured within the overall national development plans of the countries implementing them. It also touches on the practical aspects of carrying out field surveys and information gathering as well as the ethical considerations that are important to keep in mind when doing research on children.

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Guide Book IV: Overview of Time-Bound Programme policy options and interventions

Provides an overview of the various types of upstream measures and downstream direct interventions that might typically be incorporated into a TBP framework. It elaborates upstream measures, that is, those aimed at creating an enabling environment. These include measures taken in the areas of labour legislation, legal framework and social policy; social mobilization; education and vocational training policy; macro-economic environment, employment and poverty reduction strategies; and capacity building. The Guide Book then turns to the downstream direct interventions included under the categories of education and vocational training; economic empowerment of vulnerable families; capacity building at the local level; rapid response mechanisms; and community mobilization and awareness raising. Consideration is given to two basic approaches to programme interventions, that is, sectoral vs. geographic. This includes elaboration of advantages and disadvantages of each. The concept of “good practices” is finally considered in the Guide Book – what constitutes them and how they can be promoted.

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Guide Book V: Overview of strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation of Time-Bound Programmes

Outlines the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation process that can be applied in a TBP. It emphasises the strategic nature of the process, focusing on developing the strategic programme framework that identifies outcomes required within the TBP for impact and the links between TBP interventions; such a framework can serve as the strategic plan for the TBP. It elaborates the strategic use of monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment for managing the TBP and the links between individual interventions of policies and programmes operating with their own institutional context. The concept of interventions as project of support to the TBP is introduced and some pointers provided on the institutional requirements and set-up for managing the strategic planning process.

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