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The leading source of labour statistics

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What we do

We work on setting international standards in the field of labour statistics mainly through the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS), during which Resolutions and Guidelines are adopted by the Conference and then approved by the Governing Body of the ILO.


We have an active programme of methodological research to identify and promote good practices in the collection and reporting of labour statistics. This work is done both to provide support to countries and to inform ongoing standard setting work. The research work spreads across a wide range of topics with a changing focus over time reflecting latest demands and work required to support standard setting and implementation.


We compile labour statistics from numerous sources such as labour force surveys, establishment surveys and administrative records. 

We also produce labour market indicators from national household survey microdata and estimate country-level, regional and global figures through econometric modelling.


The data we compile and produce are disseminated on ILOSTAT through a variety of data tools. They are also widely re-published by other organizations, most notably by the World Bank in the World Development Indicators database. 

We also analyse trends, which are published in our blog and in statistical briefs Spotlight on Work Statistics.


We provide technical cooperation, assistance and training in labour statistics to our member States. Our areas of expertise include the application of international standards, data production, analysis and dissemination tools and practices.