ILO Labour Statistics Questionnaire: GHANA

Table of contents



Please complete the tables in the Excel file below and upload it on this platform (go to Upload tab) or send it to by 31 July 2024. Detailed instructions are available in the Guide to reporting labour statistics to the ILO using the Excel questionnaire.

Instructions [Sheet name] Topic Questionnaire
Complete the tables in this file using the source with the most comprehensive coverage. Typical data sources include, but are not limited to, establishment surveys and administrative records. [INJ] Occupational injuries
[ILR] Industrial and labour relations
[STR] Strikes and lockouts
[LAI] Labour inspection
[LAC] Labour cost
[PSE] Public sector employment


Please note that starting this year, we are sending a reduced questionnaire, focusing exclusively on indicators not related to the labour force. These indicators are typically derived from sources other than household surveys.

We understand the importance of household survey data and will continue processing the household survey microdata files to produce numerous indicators. Currently, 164 Member States have already shared their microdata.

To ensure the availability of labour force data for your country in ILOSTAT, ILO outputs, the SDG global database, and beyond, we strongly encourage your country to share household survey microdata with us if it has not been done so already.

Details on the benefits of microdata sharing are provided in the document "Unlocking the Power of Microdata: Enhancing International Comparability and Data Availability in ILOSTAT and Beyond."


The ILO questionnaire was sent to the following contacts on 17 June 2024:

Agency Name Job Title Email Comments
Ghana Statistical Service Head Office
Ghana Statistical Service Anthony Oduro-Denkyirah Labour Statistician
Ghana Statistical Service Baah Wadieh Acting Government Statistician SDG focal point
Ghana Statistical Service Dominic Odoom STATISTICIAN
Ghana Statistical Service Kagya Owusu Chief Statistician
Ghana Statistical Service Omar Seidu Head of Demographic Statistics & SDGs Coordinator SDG focal point
Ghana Statistical Service Samuel Kobina Annim Government Statistician
Ministry for Employment and Social Welfare Dennis Diawuo PLANNING OFFICER
Ministry for Employment and Social Welfare George Owusu Ansah Amoah Deputy Director
Ministry for Employment and Social Welfare Lawrence Simpi Employment Information Branch

In the past, we received responses to our questionnaire from the following email addresses:

ILO Questionnaire – year sent Response received? Email addresses of respondents
2023 No
2022 No
2021 No
2020 No
2019 No
2018 No

Contact us at if we need to make updates to our contacts list.



Below is the latest year available (as of 17 June 2024) for each indicator in ILOSTAT. Empty cells indicate that we have not received any data from your country for the indicator.

Topic Indicator Latest year Survey name Related SDG indicator
Occupational injuries [953] Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by sex and migrant status (Rate) . SDG 8.8.1
[956] Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by economic activity (Rate) . SDG 8.8.1
[951] Non-fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by sex and migrant status (Rate) . SDG 8.8.1
[955] Non-fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by economic activity (Rate) . SDG 8.8.1
[950] Cases of fatal occupational injury by sex and migrant status (Cases) .
[958] Cases of fatal occupational injury by economic activity (Cases) .
[954] Cases of non-fatal occupational injury by sex and migrant status (Cases) .
[959] Cases of non-fatal occupational injury by economic activity (Cases) .
[963] Cases of non-fatal occupational injury by sex, type of incapacity and migrant status (Cases) .
[962] Cases of non-fatal occupational injury by type of incapacity and economic activity (Cases) .
[957] Days lost due to cases of occupational injury with temporary incapacity for work by sex and migrant status (Days) .
[952] Days lost due to cases of occupational injury with temporary incapacity for work by economic activity (Days) .
[960] Workers in the reference group by economic activity (Persons) .
[961] Workers in the reference group by sex and migrant status (Persons) .
Industrial and labour relations [162] Trade union membership of persons employed and employees by sex (Persons) .
[168] Persons employed and employees covered by collective bargaining by sex (Persons) .
[171] Collective bargaining coverage rate of persons employed and employees by sex (Percentage) .
[165] Trade union density rate of persons employed and employees by sex (Percentage) .
[161] Trade union membership by type of member (Persons) .
Strikes and lockouts [67] Number of strikes and lockouts by economic activity (Cases) 1991 Labour Relations Records
[69] Days not worked due to strikes and lockouts by economic activity (Days) 1991 Labour Relations Records
[68] Workers involved in strikes and lockouts by economic activity (Persons) 1991 Labour Relations Records
[70] Days not worked per 1000 workers due to strikes and lockouts by economic activity (Rate) .
Labour inspection [76] Registered workplaces that could be selected for labour inspection (Workplaces) .
[174] Number of labour inspectors by sex (Persons) .
[78] Number of labour inspection visits to workplaces during the year (Cases) .
[120] Labour inspection visits per inspector (Rate) .
Labour cost [56] Mean nominal hourly labour cost per employee by economic activity (Local currency) .
Public sector employment [965] Public employment by sectors and sub-sectors of national accounts (Persons) .