Strengthening the Capacities of Tripartite Constituents to Address Labour Issues in the Framework of the Better Work Viet Nam Programme

Better Work Viet Nam's overall development objective is to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of workers and their families and to increase the competitiveness of the Vietnamese garment industry

Collaborating ILO Units: ACTRAV, ACTEMP, DWT Bangkok
Target beneficiaries: the local tripartite stakeholders (MOLISA, VGCL, VCCI)


Better Work Viet Nam’s overall development objective is to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of workers and their families and to increase the competitiveness of the Vietnamese garment industry. To this end, the program combines independent enterprise compliance assessments with social dialogue to improve workplaces and working conditions in the garment and related sectors.
In addition to working with the social partners to improve BWV service delivery, BWV will work to move toward greater sustainability of its program and results by strengthening the ability of social partners to play a strong role in ensuring compliance with international labour standards and national laws.
The overall objective of the component that would be funded by the Labour Program is to strengthen the capacities of the local tripartite stakeholders to support compliance with internationally accepted labour standards and domestic labour law.


This project directly addresses one of the immediate outcomes listed in the Labour Funding Program’s Performance Measurement Framework, namely: capacity is developed to address labour issues, including labour issues related to labour cooperation agreements.

Key results would include:
  • Increased capacity of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) to carry out inspection services;
  • Increased capacity of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) and the Federations of Labour (FoL) to participate in pilot initiatives that develop the abilities of enterprise, district and provincial unions and their officials to communicate, organize and collectively bargain;
  • Increased knowledge and understanding on the part of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) of its members’ needs and interests, thereby enabling it to better represent those interests.

For further information, please contact

ILO Country Office for Viet Nam
Tel : +84 4 3734 0907
Fax : +84 4 3734 0904
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