
LEGOSH database: Bookmark

LEGOSH provides an overview and analysis of the current national occupational safety and health (OSH) regulatory frameworks worldwide and compiles the wealth of legislation related to this topic.

Poster | 24 December 2015
Competent national OSH authority ● National OSH programme ● Employers’ duties and responsibilities ● OSH management systems ● Expertise and competence in OSH at the undertaking ● Workers’ rights and duties ● National OSH Committee ● Workers’ OSH representatives ● Joint OSH committees ● Biological hazards ● Chemical hazards ● Ergonomic hazards ● Physical hazards ● Psychosocial risks ● Machineries ● Protection of pregnant and lactating women, and youth ● Recording and notification of accidents/incidents and diseases ● List of occupational diseases ● OSH inspection ● Enforcement of OSH legislation