Publications on Green Jobs

November 2023

  1. Green Jobs Assessment of Six Economic Sectors in Jordan - Synthesis Report

    14 November 2023

  2. Digital Employment Diagnostic Guidelines

    07 November 2023

    These guidelines serve as a comprehensive framework to assess, analyze, and understand the multifaceted dimensions of digital employment.

October 2023

  1. Guide for the review of employment-related public expenditures and application to six pilot countries

    12 October 2023

    This report presents the first assessment of employment-related public expenditures (ERPEs) in six pilot countries, as an input to support the gradual transition towards pro-employment budgets. The goal is to understand the consistency of public expenditures with national employment policies and issues related to their incidence, effectiveness, and allocative efficiency.

September 2023

  1. Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2023

    28 September 2023

    This tenth edition of Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) offers the latest set of global renewable energy employment estimates, which are based on IRENA’s own methodologies and calculations, as well as a large array of reports published by government agencies, industry associations, non-governmental organisations and academic experts.

  2. Occupational safety and health in a just transition

    27 September 2023

    This policy brief is part of the ILO Just Transition Policy Briefs series and is intended to present the linkages between just transition and occupational safety and health (OSH), providing stakeholders with information and recommendations for implementation.

  3. © A. Pazani/Pexels 2024

    Employment Policy Department Newsletter, Sept/Oct 2023

    24 September 2023

August 2023

  1. © A. Pazani/Pexels 2024

    Employment Policy Department Newsletter, July/August 2023

    01 August 2023

July 2023

  1. Green jobs policy readiness assessment in the Agriculture Sector in Thailand

    19 July 2023

    This case study report examines the experience of green jobs and a Just Transition to environmental sustainability (hereafter, a “Just Transition”) in the Thai agricultural sector with a specific focus on the Khok Nong Na Model in Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province.

  2. Green Jobs Policy Readiness Assessment in Thailand

    19 July 2023

    In most countries the transition to a green economy is still at an early stage and it is expected that job losses will occur due to changes caused by the transition to a green economy. However, ILO studies have concluded that these job losses will be smaller than initially expected (ILO, n.d.). The concepts of green jobs and a just transition to environmental sustainability (hereafter, a “Just Transition”) play an important role in the process of green economic policy development.

  3. Green Jobs and Just Transition Readiness Assessment in the Energy Sector in Indonesia

    19 July 2023

    This study is part of the ILO’s support for the Government of Indonesia under the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE). It is aimed at assisting the country’s efforts in planning a just energy transition that also considers measures to mitigate negative employment impacts. The work of the ILO has always focused on advancing social justice and advocating for decent work. In this regard, we acknowledge the importance of collaborative efforts on reducing environmental impacts and addressing climate change while creating employment opportunities and ensuring socially just outcomes.