COP 21

ILO welcomes new climate change agreement committing nations to a just transition and the creation of decent work

As the world moves to implement the Paris Agreement the ILO welcomes the recognition of the role of decent work in the transition.

Noticia | 15 de diciembre de 2015
© Dominique Faget / AFP
PARIS (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization (ILO) has welcomed the commitment by 195 countries at the COP21 Climate Conference, to combat climate change and pave the way to a low carbon and sustainable future.

The agreement highlights in particular “the imperative of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities”.

“The world has come a long way in realizing that acting on climate change and promoting job creation and social inclusion are intertwined challenges of the 21st century, and ones that we must confront together if we are to realize the aspirations of social justice,” said ILO Director-General Guy Ryder, who attended COP21.

The Paris Agreement reflects an important recognition of the inter-linkages between actions to address climate change on the one hand, and employment and social inclusion on the other. It is also a call on actors in the world of work to play their part.

“The recently adopted ILO Guidelines for a transition towards a greener economy can become a powerful instrument to translate this global agreement into national policies that not only protect the environment but also create decent jobs and extend social protection,” said Ryder.

The ILO Director-General also emphasized that the ILO’s Green Initiative will be an important conduit to galvanize the engagement of the world of work in their contribution to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The ILO believes that the response to the global challenges of environmental protection, economic development and social inclusion must be founded on decent work and an equitable shift to sustainable development.

The greening of enterprises, workplace practices and the labour market more broadly are essential components of climate change mitigation and adaptation that is inclusive and fair for enterprises, workers and communities.

“The ILO is ready to work with our constituents – governments, workers and employers as we collectively pursue a just transition to environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all,” Ryder concluded.