Resources on future of work

  1. News

    Forest work must be made safer and healthier, says new FAO-ILO-UNECE report

    04 July 2023

  2. Publication

    Occupational safety and health in the future of forestry work

    04 July 2023

  3. © justocker / iStock 2024


    ILO launches a series of country briefs on youth employment in sub-Saharan Africa

    29 June 2023

    The briefs analyze youth labour market issues and the school-to-work transition in seven sub-Saharan countries, review their youth employment policies and provide a sub-regional overview of youth employment trends.

  4. Video

    ILO: Political will important in addressing labour issues

    28 June 2023

    The labour sector is facing challenges such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of Artificial Intelligence. For the chief of the International Labour Organization, political will is important in addressing these issues. CNN Philippines' Tristan Nodalo interviewed ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo.

  5. Just and sustainable workplace

    Closing message at the National Conference of Employers in the Philippines

    28 June 2023

    ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo addressed the National Conference of Employers on Human-Centred Transitions for a Just and Sustainable Workplace held in Manila.

  6. Seafarer 2050 Summit

    Keynote address at the Shaping the Future of Shipping – Seafarer 2050 Summit

    26 June 2023

    ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo highlighted at the Shaping the Future of Shipping – Seafarer 2050 Summit the need for a new global social contract, including for the global maritime industry.

  7. ILO Working paper 94

    Who creates jobs with broad skillsets? The crucial role of firms

    26 June 2023

    Using matched firm-level and online job vacancy data from India, this study finds significant heterogeneity in skill requirements across firms within the same occupations. It also shows that more competitive and innovative firms require digital skills and specific combinations of digital and other skills. The study highlights that firms are not passive recipients of new technologies, but rather play a crucial role in defining the changing nature of work.

  8. Press release

    New cooperation set to prepare a better skilled industrial workforce in Lebanon

    25 June 2023

    The Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Industry, and the Association of Lebanese Industrialists sign a memorandum of understanding for cooperation on technical and vocational education and training and life-long learning in Lebanon, with support from the ILO.

  9. © Kaushal Moradiya /Pexels 2024

    Podcast series: Global challenges – Global solutions

    Innovative employment policies in a changing world of work: A new paradigm?

    21 June 2023

    In a world facing growing uncertainty, multiple transformative changes are buffeting the world of work. Will these changes pose big challenges, or provide opportunities for a new approach to employment policies that can improve people’s livelihoods, while helping economies grow sustainably and produce decent and productive jobs? The recently launched knowledge sharing and technical assistance platform called the Employment Policy Action Facility provides a new starting point for addressing this challenge.

  10. News

    Brazil and the ILO sign new South-South Partnership programme to promote social justice in the global South

    20 June 2023

    The launch of this new South-South Cooperation Programme brought together representatives of the ILO, the Brazilian Government and workers’ and employers’ organizations in Geneva.