Publications on forced labour


  1. Australia - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2017-2019) - P029

    05 August 2020

  2. United States of America - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2019)

    05 August 2020

  3. Myanmar - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2019)

    05 August 2020

  4. Republic of Korea - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2019)

    05 August 2020

  5. Japan - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2019)

    05 August 2020

  6. China - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2019)

    05 August 2020

  7. Study on the recruitment and placement of migrant fishers from Indonesia: an ILO working paper

    30 July 2020

    This study is based on research was commissioned to address one of the key concerns of the Indonesian Government and stakeholders: the protection of Indonesian migrant fishers. Under the Indonesian Medium-Term Development Plan 2015–2019, a recruitment and placement system that protects migrant workers, particularly for those with skills in areas with market demand, is to be prioritized.

  8. Global launch virtual event: Reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment: An ILO toolkit for journalists - Agenda

    29 July 2020

  9. Reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment: An ILO toolkit for journalist

    27 July 2020

    This toolkit provides information and advice to media professionals on how to report accurately and effectively on forced labour and fair recruitment. The toolkit includes the Media-friendly glossary on migration.

  10. COVID-19 impact on child labour and forced labour: The response of the IPEC+ Flagship Programme

    20 May 2020

    What is the real impact of COVID-19 on child labour and forced labour? How the ILO has repurposed its resources and operations to mitigate the devastating effects of the pandemic? How the international community can contribute to this effort?