Stopping Forced Labour

Forced Labour is universally condemned. Yet the elimination of its numerous forms — old and new, ranging from slavery and debt bondage to trafficking in human beings — remains one of the most complex challenges facing local communities, national governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations and the international community. Tackling this denial of human freedom calls for multidimensional solutions to address the disparate forms that forced labour takes.

The Report looks closely at the myriad forms of forced labour found in the world today and the various responses to them, with the aim of mobilizing
greater support for their eradication. It closes by proposing a specific
programme of action for discussion and approval by ILO constituents that
strives for a holistic approach to eliminating this terrible practice. Through an extensive survey of the available evidence, the Report examines the most prevalent forms of forced labour still in existence today. Within each category of forced labour identified, the Report provides
information that sheds light on the disparate factors that bear on it. In several cases, the ILO and other international organizations have succeeded in helping
reduce or eliminate the practice. The Report demonstrates that with a
combination of political will and concerted efforts on the part of the
international community, a range of ministries, the social partners and nongovernmental organizations, forced labour can be abolished.