Training "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"

This course will train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour and trafficking in persons for labour exploitation. It will address different stages of the investigative process, including detecting signs, inspecting workplaces, interviewing victims, and gathering other evidence. The course will focus on forced labour occurring in the private sector (including of textile, agriculture, and domestic workers), but will not specifically address sexual exploitation.

This course is open to law enforcement actors, including labour inspectors, police officers, and prosecutors, as well as other individuals who are likely to encounter forced labour in the course of their work, such as social auditors, health and safety inspectors, trade union and NGOs representatives.

By enhancing law enforcers’ knowledge of forced labour’s constitutive elements and concrete manifestations, the course will enable participants to gather the necessary evidence to build successful cases against forced labour offenders. Special issues associated with victims’ needs and the victim-witness will also be discussed, including how to effectively cooperate with relevant entities such as trade unions and NGOs that provide victim assistance services.

More information can be found at :