Publications on Equality and discrimination

March 2016

  1. Publication

    Women at Work: Trends 2016 [Summary]

    08 March 2016

    The Women at Work report provides the latest ILO data on women’s position in labour markets, examines the factors behind these trends and explores the policy drivers for transformative change.

  2. Publication

    Women’s Entrepreneurship Development

    01 March 2016

    The ILO approach to Women’s Entrepreneurship Development - Sustainable Enterprises

February 2016

  1. Report III (1B)

    Promoting fair migration: General Survey concerning the migrant workers instruments

    22 February 2016

    Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution).

  2. Publication

    Employers have strong, independent and representative organization (Outcome 9 - 2016) - Final evaluation (Final Evaluation Summary)

    17 February 2016

    Project: GLO/14/59/NOR, GLO/14/73/SID, and RAS/14/58/NOR - Evaluation Consultant: David Irwin

  3. Publication

    Independent thematic evaluation of ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality, 2010-15 (Full Report)

    09 February 2016

    Evaluation consultant: Dr. Una Murray

January 2016

  1. Publication

    Women in Business and Management: gaining momentum in the Middle East and North Africa

    27 January 2016

    Women in the MENA region have been progressing in the economy, following similar global trends, and have been positioning themselves at more prominent business and management levels. Still their full potential remains underutilized, resulting in significant missed opportunities for economic development in the region.

December 2015

  1. Publication

    Non-standard working in public services in Germany and the United Kingdom

    19 December 2015

    This paper is focused on those employed in the central civil service and those employed in local and regional government in Germany and the UK.

  2. Publication

    Protect Rights, Prevent HIV!

    17 December 2015

    Getting to Zero at Work: Inspirational voices from workers

  3. Publication

    Unacceptable Forms of Work : Results of a Delphi Survey

    16 December 2015

    The objective of this Delphi study was to explore and find consensus among diverse stakeholders on potential dimensions and descriptors of UFW; this, in turn, would serve as a framework to identify what measures could be undertaken to enable transition from working conditions that are unacceptable, to conditions that allow workers to work and live in dignity.

  4. Publication

    Unacceptable Forms of Work : A global and comparative study

    14 December 2015

    Unacceptable forms of work (UFW) have been identified by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as work in conditions that deny fundamental principles and rights at work, put at risk the lives, health, freedom, human dignity and security of workers or keep households in conditions of poverty.The report takes as the central purpose of identifying UFW to devise targeted social and economic policies that aim to eliminate or transform jobs that are entirely unacceptable