Tools and Services on Youth Employment


  1. Publication

    Etude Nationale du Projet «Evaluer et Gérer les Effets du Commerce sur L'Emploi» au Bénin

    07 August 2013

    Ce rapport résume les études réalisées par le Projet ECE au Bénin et fait la synthèse des discussions lors des réunions de « Policy Working Group ». Ce rapport met en évidence la relation entre le commerce et l'emploi au Bénin pour la formulation de politique nationale. Le rapport souligne la nécessité pour le Bénin de prendre des mesures adaptées pour atténuer les coûts d'ajustement liés à la libéralisation commerciale. Il insiste sur la nécessité de politiques complémentaires pour améliorer la capacité de l'offre, ce qui exigerait une nette amélioration de l'infrastructure physique, une augmentation de la productivité du travail et une amélioration de la gouvernance économique.

  2. Publication

    Towards more inclusive employment policy making: Process and role of stakeholders in Indonesia, Nicaragua, Moldova and Uganda

    13 May 2013

    Employment Working Paper No. 137

  3. ILO Research paper No. 5

    Trade and Employment in a Vertically Specialized World

    23 April 2013

    This paper decomposes the employment effects of a country’s trade into five components, specifically the labour content (1) in exports, (2) in imports, (3) in the import content of exports, (4) in the export content of imports, and (5) in intermediates contained in imports from a third country using the factor-content and input-output methods.


  1. ILO Research paper No. 3

    Structure Matters: Sectoral drivers of growth and the labour productivity-employment relationship

    04 December 2012

    The paper uses accounting methods to decompose aggregate labour productivity and employment growth into their sectoral components as well as into within-sector and employment reallocation effects for a sample of 81 countries.

  2. Studies on Growth with Equity

    EuroZone job crisis: trends and policy responses

    11 July 2012

    The study provides the latest trends on the employment situation in EU countries and examines the labour market reforms adopted by various governments.

  3. Publication

    Social Justice and Growth: The Role of the Minimum Wage

    18 June 2012

    This issue of the International Journal of Labour Research is wholly dedicated to the question of the minimum wage, a matter that has gained in importance and profile in recent years. No doubt, the main reasons behind this rise in prominence relate to the stagnation of wages in several parts of the world, a generalized increase in earnings inequality as well as the rise in social unrest across the globe.

  4. Publication

    Upgrading informal apprenticeship - A resource guide for Africa

    12 January 2012

    A policy learning approach to shift informal apprenticeship back into the focus of national priorities for enhancing skills and youth employability.


  1. Publication

    Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View

    06 October 2011

    This volume examines the experiences of 21 developed and developing countries in adjusting their training provision to meet the new demands of a greener economy. It shows that skills development is critical to unlocking the employment potential of green growth, yet skills shortages are becoming an obstacle in realizing this potential. The report recommends that countries devise strategies based on well-informed policy decisions, social dialogue, and coordination among ministries and between employers and training providers.

  2. Publication

    Skills for Employment Policy Brief - Greening the global economy: the skills challenge

    05 October 2011

    Part of the Policy Brief Series produced by the Skills and Employability Branch

  3. Publication

    Trade and Employment: From Myths to Facts - ILO-EC publication

    04 October 2011

    The edited volume “Trade and Employment: From Myths to Facts” is the outcome of a joint project of the European Commission and the International Labour Office. The book contributes to promoting the advancement of employment, decent work and social cohesion in developing countries by assisting policy makers and social partners in anticipating and addressing the effects of trade reforms on employment