Discussion guide on National Employment Policies

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.
  1. Does the government of your country consider employment as a central goal of national development strategies?

  2. Does the national development framework of your country explicitly consider the impact of economic growth on employment creation for both women and men, in particular youth?

  3. Has your country formulated a comprehensive national employment policy, or does it envisage the formulation of such a policy?

  4.  Is the employment policy of your country coordinated and aligned with other relevant national policies, namely skills, trade, tax, industrial, infrastructure, sectoral, enterprises development and informal economy policies?

  5. Does the employment policy consider not just the number but also the quality of jobs created for both women and men (wage or income level, working conditions, social security coverage, rights of workers)?

  6. Is the employment policy of your country underpinned by concrete employment programmes and budgetary allocations?

  7. Does the employment policy pay special attention to particular population groups, such as the working poor, informal economy workers, rural producers, informal economy operators, people with disabilities, in particular women among those groups etc.?

  8. Do your country’s social partners and other relevant stakeholders contribute significantly and effectively to the formulation and implementation of NEPs?

  9. Does the UN system and the development partners’ community at the national level consider employment as a central objective of development policy, and are they prepared to allocate financial resources to this objective?