Good Practice

Promoting fundamental principles and rights at work through social dialogue and gender equality - Final evaluation

Good Practice Description

The project kept a well-organized and comprehensive system for documenting and archiving information on its activities. Project files contained the concept note of the activity demonstrating its administrative approval by the Cairo office, workshop programs, participant lists and by products (presentations, studies) as well as budget information.

A key achievement of the project was to involve all 5 main trade unions partners in project activities. Past ILO projects in Morocco were not able to overcome political or contextual impediments to working with all the main trade union groups together at one time. This project did and several stakeholders interviewed during this evaluation process commented on the beneficial outcomes of opportunities offered by the project for dialogue between trade union groups.

Even with optimal planning, project implementation rarely goes exactly to plan for a variety of reasons. The project management team demonstrated good judgment by deciding when to pivot or abandon an initial plan and perseverance in seeking alternative routes to reach the same objective. This practice was intelligently applied by the project when it reoriented activities on strengthening the legal framework for the protection of FPRW from a general evaluation of Moroccan labour legislation to an alternative plan which sought to capitalize on the GOM decision to review the labour code on its 10th anniversary. Despite the GOM request coming late in the project, which necessitated a second no cost extension, the project team demonstrated flexibility and dedication to provide the requested assistance. The donor likewise demonstrated flexibility in allowing changes to the work plan and schedule.