Good Practice

Youth Entrepreneurship Facility in Uganda - Final Evaluation

Good Practice Description

To ensure sustainability of the Y2Y Fund model, the YEF-EU project outsourced the management of the Y2Y to a local grant making organisation. The selected local implementing partner provided support the youth-led organisations (grantees) to effectively implement their projects. It was done through (1) monitoring, support and supervisory visits as well as (2) mentorship. The implementing partner engaged technical mentor monitors (TMM) to assist the grantees in identifying, implementing, and sustaining the projects and community partnerships by the supported youth-led organisations (grantees). Mentorships approaches adopted included the formal mentorship, peer-to-peer mentorship and the supervisory mentorship. The mentorship was able to guide the grantees on institutional strengthening, financial management and book keeping, project management, good leadership and business improvement performance for the projects implemented, while the monitoring visits helped the grantees organisations to understand the grant requirements and what was expected from them and determined the progress of the grantee projects.

The YEF-EU project promoted entrepreneurship culture through raising awareness among young women and men about the merits of entrepreneurship. One of the tools used was the production of media programme ‘Dare to Dream’. The programme was presented in a series of episodes featuring testimonies and stories from successful Youth Entrepreneurs. It covered an array of business issues that included: keeping rabbits, tea production, value addition to pumpkins, coffee liquor production, tailoring, making of table mats and growing mushrooms. This provided learning experiences for unemployed youth, young and aspiring entrepreneurs and participating entrepreneurs. The programme was aired on three television stations and targeted the youth in 11 target districts. To measure the effectiveness of the awareness raising, the project outsourced the media company to undertake the baseline and endline surveys to measure the impact of the television programme series on knowledge, attitude and practise on entrepreneurship among the youth in the targeted districts.

The YEF-EU project aimed through partnerships with Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisations (SACCOS) at enabling young men and women to access affordable loans to start and/or manage profitable businesses. This was done through piloting of a favourable lending model with micro-finance institutions, which provided loans combined with BDS to the young start-up and established entrepreneurs and facilitated the training needed for the entrepreneurs to start-up or grow businesses.