Good Practice

Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Final Evaluation

Good Practice Description

The quality and usefulness of project publications is acknowledged and appreciated by all project stakeholders and beneficiaries. Thus, the guides created on various countries for those who want to migrate, can be considered a sustainable and best practice to further strengthen anti-trafficking efforts in all three countries. A practical guideline publication for service providers working on trafficking has also been extremely helpful and is currently used in all three countries.

NAPs were revised in all three countries. Although Azerbaijan was reluctant to do so, the revision was done because a coalition of international organizations led by ILO managed to convince the government of its importance.

The study tours to Serbia and Macedonia were appreciated by participants from all three countries. These exchange visits provided an opportunity to participants to gain experience and discuss all aspects of an anti-trafficking response. Moreover, Georgia's experience was also shared to the benefit of other participants.

Exchange visits contributed to experience sharing and influenced country-wide responses to trafficking. For example, the exchange visit of authorities from Azerbaijan to Georgia resulted in the creation of a structure in Azerbaijan similar to the Georgian State Fund for Protection and Assistance to the Victims of Trafficking.