What's new

  1. Council of Europe

    Recommit to social dialogue in Europe, says ILO Director-General

    28 January 2015

    Europe continues to struggle to attain real recovery, with growing inequality and unacceptably high levels of unemployment, said ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, in an address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Minimum wage policies, restoring collective bargaining and recommitting to the processes of social dialogue would help respond to these challenges, he said.

  2. Export Processing Zones

    Claude Akpokavie, Senior ILO Adviser:“Engaging in policy debates and organizing workers, are two key challenges faced by unions in Export processing zones”

    09 January 2015

    The Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ILO-ACTRAV) has just published a Trade Union Manual on Export Processing Zones (EPZ). In this interview, Claude Akpokavie, ACTRAV’s focal point on EPZ explains the main lessons highlighted in the manual and the role of trade unions in EPZ.

  3. Bangladesh: Freedom of association and collective bargaining

    Improving Labour Law Compliance and Building Sound Labour Practices in the Export Oriented Shrimp Sector in Bangladesh - Project

    01 January 2015

  4. Freedom of association

    Promoting workers' rights and labour relations in export oriented industries in Bangladesh - Project

    01 January 2015

  5. Freedom of association

    Promoting Fundamental Rights and Strengthening Labour Market Governance in the Maldives - Project

    01 January 2015

  6. Freedom of association

    Promoting Freedom of Association and Social Dialogue in Myanmar - Project

    01 January 2015

  7. Freedom of association

    Develop social dialogue institutions and mechanisms that promote and advocate the realization of core labour rights in Colombia - Project

    01 January 2015

  8. Freedom of association

    Promoting Good Labour Market Governance and Fundamental Rights at Work in Morocco - Project

    01 January 2015

  9. Freedom of association

    Promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Zambian Mining Sector - Project

    01 January 2015

  10. Bangladesh: Freedom of association and collective bargaining

    Promoting fundamental principles and rights at work in Bangladesh - Project

    01 January 2015