Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2015 KILM

9. Total unemployment

The unemployment rate is probably the best-known labour market measure and certainly one of the most widely quoted by media in many countries as it is believed to reflect the lack of employment at national levels to the greatest and most meaningful extent. Together with the employment-to-population ratio (KILM 2), it provides the broadest indicator of the labour market situation in countries that collect information on the labour force.

Harvesting information from international data repositories as well as regional and national statistical sources, the KILM offers data for over 200 countries. The 17 indicators provide detailed information related to 36 data tables, including indicators on employment (occupation, status, sector, hours, etc.), labour underutilization and the characteristics of job seekers, education, wages, labour productivity and working poverty. Taken together, these indicators provide a strong foundation from which to address key questions related to productive employment and decent work.