The promotion of sustainable enterprises

Promoting sustainable enterprises is about strengthening the institutions and governance systems which nurture enterprises. This volume provides detailed guidance on what constitutes a conducive environment for sustainable enterprises. Sustainable enterprises need sustainable societies. Business tends to thrive where societies thrive and vice versa.

Promoting sustainable enterprises is about strengthening the institutions and governance systems which nurture enterprises - strong and efficient markets need strong and effective institutions. It is also about ensuring that human, financial and natural resources are combined equitably and efficiently in order to achieve innovation and enhanced productivity. This calls for new forms of cooperation between government, business, labour and society at large to ensure that the quality of present and future life and employment is maximized whilst safeguarding the sustainability of the planet.

This volume provides detailed guidance on what constitutes a conducive environment for sustainable enterprises, noting that such an environment combines the legitimate quest for profit with the need for development which respects human dignity, environmental sustainability and decent work. The book underscores the principle that sustainable enterprises need sustainable societies and that business tends to thrive where societies thrive and vice versa.