Books and reports

September 2018

  1. Report

    Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world

    20 September 2018

    The report offers one of the first comparative studies of working conditions at five of the major, global, online micro-task platforms.

August 2018

  1. BRICS BRIEF SERIES - Gender Equality

    Decent Work and Economic Growth: Women’s Participation – Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

    02 August 2018

    Paper prepared for the BRICS Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting (LEMM) 2–3 August 2018 with separate country briefs for Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa

  2. BRICS BRIEF SERIES -Youth Employment

    BRICS Summary: Youth Employment

    02 August 2018

    This brief contains separate analysis for each of the five BRIC countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

  3. BRICS BRIEF SERIES - Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations

    Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations: Global Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

    02 August 2018

    Social dialogue is widely recognised as an important component of good governance of labour-related matters. It has key significance for the implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and its goals (SDGs) at the national level. It is linked, in particular, to Goal 16 that requires, among other things, the development of effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels and of responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decisionmaking.

  4. BRICS 2018 Issue Brief

    Moving towards a universal and sustainable social security system in the BRICS countries

    02 August 2018

    Brief prepared for the BRICS Labour and Employment Minister’s Meeting, Durban, South Africa, 2-3 August 2018

July 2018

  1. Evidence Brief

    HIV Stigma and Discrimination in the World of Work: Findings from the People Living with HIV Stigma Index

    26 July 2018

    Although access to effective HIV antiretroviral treatments has improved significantly – enabling people living with HIV to live long and productive lives including working and contributing to society in many different ways – people living with HIV continue to face discrimination in relation to work in terms of finding employment, keeping jobs and furthering career progression.

    This brief provides a snapshot of the prevalence of discrimination against people living with HIV in workplace settings: a practice that is evident across countries and regions.

  2. Book

    Collective Agreements: Extending Labour Protection

    04 July 2018

    This volume examines the extension of collective agreements and its use as a policy tool to expand the coverage of labour protection, and shore up collective bargaining.

June 2018

  1. Report

    Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work

    28 June 2018

    This report takes a comprehensive look at unpaid and paid care work and its relationship with the changing world of work. A key focus is the persistent gender inequalities in households and the labour market, which are inextricably linked with care work.

May 2018

  1. The Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth Flagship Report 2018

    Building trust in a changing World of Work

    18 May 2018

    This first Flagship Report contributes to the “Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth”, an initiative launched in 2016 by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven as a concrete input to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The objective consists in developing and harnessing the potential of social dialogue and sound industrial relations as instruments for promoting decent work and job quality in line with Sustainable Development Goal 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, and thereby fostering greater equality and more Inclusive Growth in line with Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities.

  2. Flagship report

    World Employment and Social Outlook 2018: Greening with jobs

    14 May 2018

    This edition examines environmental sustainability in the world of work. It focuses on how climate change and environmental degradation will impact the labour markets, affecting both the volume and quality of employment, and quantifies the shifts expected to take place within and between sectors.