Resources on Textiles, clothing, leather, and footwear sector

  1. Working hours in the global garment industry

    20 January 2016

    This research note provides an overview of working hours in the garment sector in major apparel exporting economies. It shows that garment exporters have a range of different limits on normal working hours, overtime work, and penalty rates for overtime, as well as different annual leave and public holidays.

  2. Better Factories of Cambodia Phase II - Final Evaluation (Final Evaluation Summary)

    31 December 2015

    Project: CMB/13/02/MUL - Evaluation Consultant: Lotta Nycander

  3. Minimum wages in the global garment industry: Update for 2015

    17 December 2015

    This research note compares minimum wage levels for garment workers across major apparel-exporting middle and low income economies for 2015. The rates of change in minimum wages between 2014 and 2015 are also compared.

  4. ILO Bangladesh Newsletter December 2015

    01 December 2015

  5. Employment, wages and working conditions in Asia's garment sector: Finding new drivers of competitiveness

    18 November 2015

    This paper presents regional trends and national estimates of exports, employment, wages, productivity and working time in the garment, textile and footwear industries in developing Asia and the Pacific.

  6. Safety inspections for targeted Bangladesh export-oriented RMG factories complete

    09 November 2015

    The Government of Bangladesh has completed the inspection phase of its efforts to assess exporting ready-made garment (RMG) factories for structural, fire and electrical safety with emphasis now switching to remediation.

  7. Cambodia Garment and Footwear Sector Bulletin Issue 2: Solid first half of 2015 for Cambodia's garment and footwear sector

    03 November 2015

    The ILO’s Cambodian Garment and Footwear Sector Bulletin examines key trends in the industry, including exports, factory openings and closures, employment, and wages. The Bulletin is intended to provide a comprehensive, neutral source of information for stakeholders in the Cambodian garment and footwear sector, and to assist them in social dialogue and wage negotiations. This is the second issue of the Bulletin.

  8. Strong export and job growth in Asia's garment and footwear sector

    29 October 2015

    This research note examines wages and working conditions in the garment sector in a range of countries in the Asia-Pacific region. It finds that developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region exported $601 billion worth of garments, footwear and textile products in 2014, three-fifths of the global total. More than 40 million workers are now employed in the sector in the Asia-Pacific region.

  9. Improving working conditions in the ready-made Garment Sector in Bangladesh (Midterm Evaluation Summary)

    06 October 2015

    Project: BGD/13/09/MUL - Evaluation Consultants: Ganesh P. Rauniyar (Team Leader); Omar Tarek Chowdhury

  10. ILO, Germany and Bangladesh sign agreement to jointly develop Employment Injury Insurance (EII) Scheme

    06 October 2015

    The International Labour Organization (ILO), Germany and the Government of Bangladesh will collaborate in the development of an Employment Injury Insurance (EII) Scheme for Bangladesh.