Delivering decent work results: A meta-analysis of 15 ILO Decent Work Country Programme reviews

This is a meta-analysis of internally conducted evaluations of Decent Work Country Programmes carried out by regional offices. Recommendations propose ways to improve the quality of these internal evaluations to better inform on the progress of a DWCP and eventually provide useful data and input for independently conducted evaluations.

This review looked at the methodology and good practices for conducting a Decent Work Country Programme Review which are conducted by the relevant regional office. As well as examining the purpose and usefulness of these internal evaluations, issues of evaluability of the DWCP itself were also reviewed. Recommendations provide insights on how to improve the utility of these internal evaluations and their use as a management tool for the DWCP. The country internal reviews which were included are: Albania, Armenia, Cambodia, Comoros, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Cameroon, Serbia, Zimbabwe.