Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO technical cooperation: A meta-analysis of project evaluations, 2011-2012

EVAL launched a meta-analysis of independent project evaluations in 2010 to provide feedback on the effectiveness and operational performance of technical cooperation. The istructive results shed light on the ILO’s technical and operational strengths and weaknesses in the design and implementation of technical cooperation. Building on experience from this 2010 study, and following an adjustment of the methodology, a new study was conducted in 2013.

This report presents the results of a comparable assessment of ILO’s technical cooperation performance through review of final projct evaluations completed during 2011 to 2012. The overall performance in terms of relevance and effectiveness was quite favourable. Management and implementation performance were rated in the ‘adequate’ to ‘good’ range. However, the use of monitoring and evaluation, reporting against results, and the adequacy of resources for the planned results were flagged as ‘weak’, confirming the findings of the earlier 2011 EVAL study.