Impact and people


  1. Road building in Liberia: One UN, many new jobs

    17 July 2008

    After 14 years of conflict, Liberia has begun working its way back to peace and prosperity. But with a high rate of working poor, job creation is a daunting challenge. ILO Online reports from the capital, Monrovia.

  2. The AREA programme in Argentina: working together to create jobs

    11 July 2008

    The ILO-run AREA project, funded by the Italian government, has helped many Argentine workers and companies recover from the 2001 financial crisis by creating jobs and improving livelihoods. ILO Online reports from Argentina.

  3. Microinsurance and OSH: helping to cope with workplace risks, Work-related accidents and diseases take a grim toll every year.

    09 July 2008

    Work-related accidents and diseases take a grim toll every year. Although prevention can help improve occupational safety and health (OSH), microinsurance can also play a complementary role in coping with workplace risks and provide direct benefits to employers and workers.

  4. Shining a light of hope: Occupational safety and health in the informal economy. Hundreds of millions of workers worldwide suffer from work-related diseases and accidents.

    09 July 2008

    The ILO estimates that hundreds of millions of workers worldwide suffer from work-related diseases and accidents, the poorest and the least protected being the worst sufferers. Bringing occupational safety and health to those working and living in the informal economy represents a particular challenge as this report from the slums of Pune in India shows.

  5. Promotion flyer: Compendium of Maritime Labour Instruments

    04 July 2008

  6. Promotional flyer: From conflict to cooperation. Labour market reforms that can work for Nepal

    04 July 2008

  7. International Day of Cooperatives - Cooperating in times of crisis

    03 July 2008

    This year, the growing role of cooperatives in confronting global crises of climate change and food price rises is garnering growing attention. Cooperatives can play an increasingly important role in balancing economic, social and environmental concerns as well as in contributing to poverty reduction and prevention. ILO Online interview with Hagen Henry, Head of the ILO’s Cooperative Programme.

  8. Microinsurance and OSH: helping to cope with workplace risks

    02 July 2008

    Work-related accidents and diseases take a grim toll every year. Although prevention can help improve occupational safety and health (OSH), microinsurance can also play a complementary role in coping with workplace risks and provide direct benefits to employers and workers. ILO Online reports.

  9. Text for the Declaration site: The text of the declaration and its follow-up page

    18 June 2008

  10. Extending occupational safety and health to the informal economy - Article for the XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work

    17 June 2008

    Over 1 billion people, more than 60 percent of Asia’s workforce, are still working in the informal economy, with little or no social protection. Experience shows that workers and small businesses in the informal economy are usually motivated to improve safety and health conditions out of their own initiative, but they still need practical support. ILO Online spoke with Tsuyoshi Kawakami, ILO specialist on occupational safety and health in Bangkok.