Follow-up to ILO report on Maldives labour administration and inspection systems (Male, 22 -24 September 2012)

Under the USDOL Project on Promoting Fundamental Rights and Strengthening the Labour Market in Maldives, the ILO undertook a mission to identify concrete steps to follow up on a needs assessment of the country’s labour administration system carried out in 2011.

News | Ginebra, Suiza | 24 September 2012
Mr. Shaffinaz Hassendeen (Senior Program Officer, ILO Colombo), Mr. Ludek Rickly (Senior Labour Administration/Inspection Specialist, LAB/ADMIN) and Mr. Alagandram Sivananthiram, (ILO Consultant), met with officials from the Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sport – in particular from its Labour Relations Authority.
The discussions largely confirmed the findings of the 2011 report and resulted in a tentative work plan designed to address a set of short, medium and long term objectives, including:

-the elaboration of labour inspection tools and instruments (short);

-adoption of regulations on planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (short);

-improving the knowledge and skills of labour inspectors (short);

-improving partnerships with employers’ and workers’ organizations (short);

-strengthening management skills (short);

-the adoption of a national labour policy (medium);

-enhancing the labour inspectorate’s enforcement function (medium);

-increasing remuneration, motivation and career prospects of inspectors (medium);

-creation of a labour inspection agency under the purview of the Ministry (long);

-the creation of a field structure for the Labour Relations Authority (long).