ILO contributions to the G7

March 2023

  1. Employment Working Group

    Inclusive labour markets

    02 March 2023

    This presentation held at the 1st meeting of the Employment Working Group under the presidency of Japan provides comprehensive strategies for disadvantaged groups' enhanced access to employment.

  2. Employment Working Group

    Investment in human capital in the context of green and digital transformations

    02 March 2023

    This presentation held at the 1st meeting of the Employment Working Group under the presidency of Japan gives an overview of how G7 countries can invest in skills to prepare their labour forces for the green and digital transformations.

October 2022

  1. Employment Working Group

    Measuring green jobs: Initial reflections on an ILO-OECD proposal on definition and methodology - Summary and issues for discussion

    12 October 2022

    This paper summarizes the joint ILO-OECD proposal, based on the Wolfsburg Labour and Employment Ministers' Declaration, on defining and measuring green jobs, and points out issues for discussion.

  2. Employment Working Group

    Measuring green jobs: Initial reflections on an ILO-OECD proposal on definition and methodology - Presentation

    12 October 2022

    This presentation introduces a joint ILO-OECD proposal, based on the Wolfsburg Labour and Employment Ministers' Declaration, on defining and measuring green jobs.

  3. Employment Working Group

    Decent work in supply chains: Recent developments and next steps - Presentation

    12 October 2022

    This presentation gives an update on recent developments and next steps in the process of building a strategy for decent work in supply chains at the ILO.

  4. Employment Working Group

    The Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions - Presentation

    12 October 2022

    This presentation gives an update on the Global Accelerator, an initiative launched by the UN Secretary General and led by the ILO.

  5. Employment Working Group

    Vision Zero Fund - Presentation

    12 October 2022

    This presentation gives an update on the work of the Vision Zero Fund, after the G7 Labour and Employment Ministers had renewed their commitment to support the fund's work in their declaration.