End Slavery Now

Between 2012 and 2014, the ILO was involved in the End Slavery Now campaign to raise awareness on the 21 million people in forced labour worldwide.
These people are trafficked, held in debt bondage or work in slavery-like conditions.

Prominent artists, athletes and activists, including Jada Pinkett Smith, Cher and Colin Farell joined the camapign. They released video messages of support and held placards demanding to "end slavery now."

ILO's new campaign to end forced labour

  1. 50 for Freedom campaign

    Since 2015, End Slavery Now has converged to the new ILO’s 50 For Freedom campaign. The campaign aims at persuading at least 50 governments to ratify by 2018 a new Forced Labour protocol. 

    Artists worldwide are supporting the cause - and so can you.