

  1. Enabling rights-based development for indigenous and tribal peoples – learning from 25 years’ experience of ILO Convention No. 169


  1. ILO 2014 International Women's Day celebrations

    The ILO Women at Work Centenary Initiative: Where we are, and where we want to be.


  1. Impact of domestic violence in the workplace: Joint Government of Australia/ILO side event at the 57th Session of the CSW

    On 6 March 2013, new studies and evidence on impact of domestic violence in the workplace from three countries were presented by a four-person panel during the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

  2. ILO celebrates International Women's Day

    The theme for International Women’s Day 2013 – STOP Violence at work – highlights the need to promote decent work for women and men that is free from violence.

  3. Media Training Workshop Reporting on Gender Equality in Employment

    As part of the advocacy and awareness-raising strategy, and also to support greater policy debate and the development of reform initiatives, it is important that the media are aware of issues of discrimination in employment against women, are equipped to effectively report on these issues and to generate news stories to cover challenges affecting women’s employment opportunities.

  4. National and Provincial Workshops on Access to Employment and Decent Work

    The ILO Project under the Access to Employment and Non-Discrimination component of MAMPU is designed to promote economic and social empowerment of women through strategies that strengthen women’s access to and equitable involvement in formal employment and decent work in Indonesia.


  1. ECOSOC high level segment ministerial roundtable breakfast on "Decent work and women’s economic empowerment: Good policy and practice"

    Demonstrating their strong joint support for gender equality at work, the Director General of the ILO, Mr Juan Somavia, and the Executive Director of UN Women, Ms Michele Bachelet, co-sponsored the Ministerial Roundtable Breakfast on “Decent work and women’s economic empowerment: Good policy and practice” on 6 July 2012.

  2. Lunch time talk on “Gender Equality in Evaluations”

    A GENDER & EVAL joint initiative.

  3. Commemorating the 2012 International Women’s Day: The Launch of Employers’ Guideline on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

    The Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo) as the main voice of employers on labour and social issues in Indonesia takes seriously the issue of the sexual harassment at the workplace.

  4. The importance of decent work for indigenous women in rural areas: Joint NORWAY-ILO side event at 56th Session of the CSW

    On 2 March 2012, over 70 delegates from governments, UN entities, employers, workers and NGOs attended the side event on the importance of decent work for indigenous women in rural areas during the 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

  5. Joint ILO/IFAD/FAO side event at 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    During this side event, three powerful speakers ─ Ms Ronnie Goldberg (Vice-President of the US Council for International Business), Ms Rehana Riyalawala (Secretary of the Indian Self-Employed Women's Association/SEWA) and Ms Shireen Lateef (Senior Adviser on Gender of the Asian Development Bank/ADB) ─ addressed the topic "Rural Employment and Agriculture" in an active dialogue with some 85 women and men participants.

  6. ILO celebrates International Women's Day

    The theme for International Women’s Day 2012 – Empower Rural Women, end poverty and hunger – highlights the need to tackle gender inequalities in the rural sector.

  7. Lunch time talk on “UN System-wide Action Plan for furthering the goal of gender equality”

    Dr Jantine Jacobi (UNAIDS), Ms Sylvia Lopez-Ekra (IOM) and Ms Isha L. Dyfan (OHCHR) will share their experiences in piloting in their respective institutions the draft System-wide Action Plan for implementation of the United Nations system-wide policy on gender equality and the empowerment of women. Ms Jane Hodges, GENDER Director, will introduce the subject and facilitate the discussion.


  1. Lunch time talk on “Domestic violence - workplace response: In the interest of safety, productivity and employment sustainability in Australia”

    A GENDER initiative, with the participation of Ms Ludo McFerran, Project Officer at Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, Sydney, Australia

  2. Draft resolution concerning gender equality and use of language in ILO legal texts adopted by 2011 ILC Selection Committee

  3. The 2011 ILO’s Inter-Regional Gender Learning Forum

    The Forum will bring together ILO’s Global Network of Regional and Sub-regional Gender Specialists, Sector Gender Coordinators, GENDER staff and other key staff members from HQ and from the Arab States Region.

  4. Gender and Migration: Care Workers at the Interface of Migration and Development

    A special event by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (UN Women) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-IV)

  5. Lunch time talk on “Canada: Developments in Tackling the Gender Gap in Pay and Employment”

    A GENDER & DIALOGUE joint initiative.

  6. The 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women adopted agreed conclusions

    The agreed conclusions on "Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work" identify gaps and challenges, and provide action-oriented recommendations for all States, relevant non-governmental bodies, mechanisms and entities of the UN System and other relevant stakeholders.

  7. ILO celebrates International Women's Day

    The year 2011 marks the centenary of International Women’s Day, and the theme of the ILO’s celebrations is: "Making the crisis recovery work for women!" as we will endeavour to show the importance of including women in recovery policies after the financial crisis.