
The role of the ILO in addressing climate change and a just transition for all

This document provides information on the role of the ILO in addressing climate change and a just transition for all. It contains an update on new knowledge and recent developments concerning global action on climate change since the Governing Body discussed the subject at its 329th Session (March 2017). The document also provides information on how the ILO Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all are being used by member States and in global policy forums. It concludes by reporting on action by the Office to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, with a focus on decent work and a just transition for all, looking ahead at the potential role of the ILO within the relevant international processes dealing with climate change, including through the new Climate Action for Jobs Initiative. The Governing Body is invited to take note of the information provided and offer guidance on further action by the Office (see the draft decision in paragraph 48).

Meeting document | 24 February 2020