Decision on the first item on the agenda: Election of the Officers of the Governing Body for 2017–18

Record of decisions | 20 June 2017

Decision on the first item on the agenda: Election of the Officers of the Governing Body for 2017–18

The Governing Body elected Mr Luc Cortebeeck (Worker, Belgium) as Chairperson of the Governing Body of the ILO for the 2017–18 period.

The Governing Body elected Mr Mthunzi Mdwaba (Employer, South Africa) as Employer Vice-Chairperson and Mr Luis Enrique Chávez Basagoitia (Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Peru) as Government Vice-Chairperson of the Governing Body for the 2017–18 period.

(Document GB.330/INS/1, paragraph 3, as amended by the Governing Body.)