Decision on the fifth item on the agenda: The Standards Initiative: Follow-up to the joint report of the Chairpersons of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations and the Committee on Freedom of Association

Record of decisions | 30 March 2017

Decision on the fifth item on the agenda: The Standards Initiative: Follow-up to the joint report of the Chairpersons of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations and the
Committee on Freedom of Association

The Governing Body:

(a) approved the revised workplan for the strengthening of the supervisory system;

(b) requested the Office to take the necessary steps to implement the revised workplan based on the guidance it provided and to report on progress made at its 331st Session (November 2017), following consultations with the tripartite constituents;

(c) decided to review the revised workplan, as might be adjusted by the Governing Body during its 331st Session, in the context of its broader review of the Standards Initiative at its 332nd Session (March 2018).

(Document GB.329/INS/5(Add.)(Rev.), paragraph 6.)