Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Complaint concerning non-observance by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of the Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928 (No. 26), the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144),

Record of decisions | 24 March 2017

Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Complaint concerning non-observance by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of the Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928 (No. 26), the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144), made under article 26 of the ILO Constitution by several delegates to the 104th Session (2015) of the International Labour Conference

Noting that two meetings took place between the Ministry of Labour and FEDECAMARAS, but regretting the lack of progress concerning the establishment of a social dialogue table and action plan referred to in the past by the Governing Body;

Recalling the recommendations made by the High-level Tripartite Mission which visited the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in January 2014, which have not yet been implemented, the Governing Body decided:

(1) to urge the Government to implement as soon as possible the following actions:

(a) take measures to ensure that there were no acts of interference, aggression and stigmatization against FEDECAMARAS, its affiliated organizations and their leaders and to ensure that FEDECAMARAS and its member organizations, leaders and affiliated companies, as well as trade unions, could freely carry out their legitimate activities in line with the decisions of the ILO supervisory bodies relating to Conventions Nos 87, 144 and 26;

(b) institutionalize without delay a tripartite round table, with the presence of the ILO, to foster social dialogue for the resolution of all pending issues;

(2) to urge the Government to avail itself without delay of ILO technical assistance to these ends;

(3) to request the Director-General of the ILO to make available all necessary support in this regard and to provide for periodic visits to the country by the ILO;

(4) to defer the decision on the appointment of a Commission of Inquiry until its 331st Session (November 2017).

(Document GB.329/INS/15(Rev.), paragraph 5, as amended by the Governing Body.)