Decision on the third item on the agenda: Agenda of the International Labour Conference

Record of decisions | 10 November 2016

Decision on the third item on the agenda: Agenda of the International Labour Conference

Based on its decision concerning the new cycle of recurrent discussions taken in the framework of the follow-up to the resolution on Advancing Social Justice through Decent Work (proposal relating to the modalities of recurrent discussions), the Governing Body:

(1) decided to place an item concerning a recurrent discussion on the agenda of the future sessions of the Conference corresponding to the new cycle of recurrent discussions as follows:

(i) a recurrent discussion on social dialogue and tripartism on the agenda of the 107th Session (2018);

(ii) a recurrent discussion on social protection (social security) on the agenda of the 109th Session (2020);

(iii) a recurrent discussion on employment on the agenda of the 110th Session (2021);

(iv) a recurrent discussion on social protection (labour protection) on the agenda of the 111th Session (2022);

(v) a recurrent discussion on fundamental principles and rights at work on the agenda of the 112th Session (2023);

(2) completed the agenda of the 107th Session of the Conference (2018) by placing an item concerning effective ILO development cooperation in support of the Sustainable Development Goals with a view to a general discussion, in addition to the standard-setting item on “Violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work” and a recurrent discussion on social dialogue and tripartism;

(3) placed on the agenda of the 107th Session (2018) of the Conference an item on the abrogation of Conventions Nos 21, 50, 64, 65, 86 and 104 and the withdrawal of Recommendations Nos 7, 61 and 62;

(4) provided guidance on:

(a) the implementation of the strategic and coherent approach to the setting of the Conference agenda for the 107th (2018) and 108th (2019) Sessions of the Conference, and its continuation beyond;

(b) future steps to take in relation to the proposals concerning a just transition of the world of work towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all (standard setting) and structural unemployment and underemployment (general discussion).

(Document GB.328/INS/3(Add.), paragraph 10, as amended in light of the discussion in the Governing Body.)