Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Review of the implementation of the ILO–ISO agreements

Record of decisions | 10 November 2016

Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Review of the implementation of the ILO–ISO agreements

The Governing Body:

(a) decided to extend again the pilot implementation of the 2013 Agreement between the International Labour Organization and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) strictly for the time necessary for the ILO’s effective participation in the completion of ISO 45001;

(b) would take a decision, at its earliest possible session after final disposition of ISO 45001, on the basis of an analysis conducted by the Office, whether to continue or revise the 2013 Agreement, negotiate a new agreement, or take other necessary action in recognition of the ILO’s mandate, and for that purpose requested the Office:

    (i) to inform the Officers of the Governing Body of the date of final disposition of ISO 45001 when it was known;

    (ii) to submit a document for information to its 329th Session on any significant developments relating to the matter;

(c) in the event that the ISO published ISO 45001 prior to the Governing Body’s review of the Agreement, authorized its Officers to provide guidance to the Office on the position to be taken in relation to the publication of ISO 45001.

(Document GB.328/INS/13, paragraph 15, as amended.)