Decision on the fifth item on the agenda: Matters arising out of the work of the 105th Session of the International Labour Conference Follow-up to the resolution on Advancing Social Justice through Decent Work Proposals relating to the modalities of recurrent discussions

Record of decisions | 09 November 2016

Decision on the fifth item on the agenda: Matters arising out of the work of the 105th Session of the International Labour Conference

The Governing Body:

(a) adopted a five-year cycle for recurrent discussions at the International Labour Conference, with the following sequence:

(i) social dialogue and tripartism in 2018;

(ii) social protection (social security) in 2020;

(iii) employment in 2021;

(iv) social protection (labour protection) in 2022;

(v) fundamental principles and rights at work in 2023;

(b) provided guidance on the framework for recurrent discussions;

(c) requested the Office to prepare, in light of the discussion at its 328th Session (November 2016), a revised framework for deliberation and adoption at its 331st Session (November 2017), and to commence its preparation of the recurrent discussion on social dialogue and tripartism selected for the 107th Session of the International Labour Conference (2018) in the light of the framework.

(Document GB.328/INS/5/2, paragraph 32, as amended by the Governing Body.)