Decision on the sixth item on the agenda: ILO’s Technical Cooperation Strategy 2015–17

Record of decisions | 19 November 2014

Decision on the sixth item on the agenda: ILO’s Technical Cooperation Strategy 2015–17

The Governing Body:

(a) recalled that informal tripartite consultations should be held in matters of strategic importance, particularly for decisions with long-term impact;

(b) took note that adjustments to the development cooperation strategy 2015–17 might be necessary to take into account the sustainable development goals, the transitional strategic Programme and Budget for 2016–17, the ongoing internal reform of the Office, as well as the findings of the forthcoming evaluation of the technical cooperation strategy; (1)

(c) requested the Office to provide the Governing Body, at its 323rd Session (March 2015), with a document, for decision, on the mechanisms in place to ensure the involvement of constituents in strategic matters pertaining to development cooperation; (2)

(d) requested the Office to begin implementing the development cooperation strategy summarized in document GB.322/POL/6, taking into account the guidance given in the discussion;

(e) requested the Office to present refined deliverables and/or targets for tables 1, 2 and 4 in document GB.322/POL/6, for adoption, at the 323rd Session of the Governing Body (March 2015);

(f) requested the Office to present a revised strategy, for adoption, at the 325th Session of the Governing Body (November 2015).

(Document GB.322/POL/6, paragraph 34, as amended.)

(1) See GB.322/POL/6, para. 7.

(2) See GB.322/POL/6, Appendix II, on “country ownership”.