Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

Record of decisions | 31 March 2014

Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

Fifth Supplementary Report: Report of the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, 2–11 October 2013) and the Tripartite Meeting of Experts in Labour Statistics on the Advancement of Employment and Unemployment Statistics (Geneva, 28 January–1 February 2013)

The Governing Body:

(a) took note of the report of the Conference;

(b) requested the Director-General to consider the recommendations of the Conference in carrying out the future programme of work of the Office;

(c) requested the Director-General to submit to a future session of the Governing Body a document with proposals to give effect to resolution V of the 19th ICLS; and

(d) authorized the Director-General to distribute the report of the Conference to:

(i) the governments of member States and, through them, to the national employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned, drawing particular attention to the five resolutions contained in Appendix III to the report;

(ii) the international employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned;

(iii) the United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations;

(iv) non-governmental organizations represented at the Conference.

(Document GB.320/INS/14/5, paragraph 20.)