Decision on the third item on the agenda: Matters arising out of the work of the International Labour Conference Follow-up to the resolution concerning sustainable development, decent work and green jobs

Record of decisions | 27 March 2014

Decision on the third item on the agenda: Matters arising out of the work of the International Labour Conference

Follow-up to the resolution concerning sustainable development, decent work and green jobs

In the light of the information provided by the Office on the rationale for, and overall purpose of, a possible tripartite meeting of experts on sustainable development, decent work and green jobs, the Governing Body recommended the organization of a tripartite meeting of experts to review, amend and adopt draft policy guidelines as outlined in paragraph 20 of document GB.320/INS/3/2, subject to the availability of financial resources, and invited the Office to submit a proposal for the arrangements of such a meeting, including its intended outcome, composition, place and date, duration, costs and financing, to the 321st Session (June 2014) of the Governing Body.

(Document GB.320/INS/3/2, paragraph 22, as amended.)